I am not a well organized person. Especially not when it comes to art or craft. I usually get the feeling, I want to make something and then let this feeling and the accompanying thoughts mature until all is penned up like in a pressure cooker. And shortly before the valve bursts open or the cooker explodes, I begin with a project and then just make it. It feels just right at this stage.
Which is fine by me but when it comes to documenting my projects I really suck.
When Mo asked me if I wanted to participate in her "I Dream of a World Where Love is the Answer"-Gathering I spontaneously accepted. Got the silk and then froze. I was confronted with a specific topic. And as much as I think that only Love can be the answer, I usually am a way too realistic and pessimistic person to actually think, something some artists make can change anything. But I accepted the challenge and worked with it.
I am a linguist. I do not work in the field anymore but that's what I learned and breathed and lived for quite some time. That is what I am. A scientist. Of Words. And a philosophy minor. So thinking about the word 'Love' and what it means was my natural way to work on this challenge. (You see, my work is either completely worked out by my subconscious processes or my well-organized brain works very methodically on a problem. Contrary to my assessment above.)
So, what is Love? When you think about it, love is a concept. And a rather broad one at that. Love can be so many things. Love for the country, love for the world, love for a specific person or even an object. But this still does not narrow it down. So my thoughts went to what the concept Love my encompass.
To me "Love" is a like an embrace. The concept "Love" embraces so many other concepts: generosity, humility, selflessness, caring, compassion, kindness, altruism, care and comfort and trust. Love is the opposite of Fear. If you love someone or something, you want to let it run loose, set it free (thanks Sting) and you will trust in it.
Since I am German, I wanted to make it in German. German might be a rather unwieldy language but it is great when it comes to concepts. Especially philosophical concepts. Using a word does not simplify this word or reduce it to just one meaning. Meaning is something rather complex and even if we use words like 'table' we envision different things in our minds when we hear it. It might mean more than just the furniture. Along with a special image of a special furniture, a person might connect it to a certain feeling, connected to other people or situations. Now, if a word like table can contain so many different things for a person, imagine what a word like 'Love' may contain. And now imagine what all the other concepts, a word like 'Love' may contain.
Somehow, I ended up with 'Selbstlosigkeit' (selflessness), 'Mitgefühl' (sompassion) und 'Geborgenheit' (care and comfort, safety and protection). When you love someone or something, you feel compassion, act selfless and this love may give you comfort and protection.
I added some onion dyed cotton, used different silk thread dyed in indigo, madder and logwood. There is a lot of madder, because madder is of the Earth. And I just love the earthy part of its colour.
Let's all protect this broken world. Feel compassionate for her well-being and for the beings living on her and be selfless about it. Step outside of the Dream and just Love.