Three years ago, I've stitched fishlis I called assumentum bestullae (you can find more on them here). I showed them in an exhibition which lead to a falling out with the gallerist and I lost my fun for them. But when I went under the torrents of life, I remembered how much fun I had with them and began some new.
Baiser, for her kissing mouth
Baiser was called Wonky in the beginning. She looks like I felt. But then she mutated into the kiss.
And then there is Snarky.
Snarky's mouth looks like he could make some snappy remark any time. I like him.
No 3 still isn't developed enough to have a name. He or she is still going.
The fabric is still some Procion MX dyed old bed sheets from waaaay ago, long before I was able to successfully dye cotton with natural dyes. But the fabric's still here and wants to be worked into something nice.