As a member of the OLG I do not only teach one or two workshops every other year but I even participate in some of them, whenever I find the time. This month a workshop called sakiori weaving (taught by wonderful Heather S) is going on and I was rather looking forward to it. (Japanese) rag weaving is one of my secret favours for a long time now and I was just waiting for an opportunity to begin. Sometimes I need a little nudge to get out of my daily life busyness and madness.
I still have some bed covers from the 1970s. Garish flower prints we called "Pril flowers" back then. They are thin and now too small for the modern longer and wider duvets. I tried to dye them several times but the print is just resisting any colour change. Even indigo didn't really take on. So I took the opportunity to rip them into small strips and lo and behold, they really look good.
The warp yarn is another age old aquisition. I used two ends per slot and two per hole and I beat really hard. Thanks to the small strips the fabric still feels rather thin.
I like how the colours come out. It looks a little like those variagated sock yarns only in weaving you don't get the 'cat's breakfast' association ;o)
But now for spring, because spring has arrived soon this year. After last year when winter stayed almost until June, we are all grateful for this early arrival.