As I wrote before, due to some really mindless planning on my side, I'm a bit swamped this month by workshops.
supported spindles work a bit different from suspended spindles and I am absolutely intrigued by them. The whole concept is slow. And still they can be quite productive.Well, not productive in the 'I spin 1 pound of wool in a day'-sense but that is not their goal. With a supported spindle I spin thin yarn, very deliberately, purposfully and slow. It is a much more complex spinning process than suspended spindles and still ... I don't know how to say it otherwise, it is quite calm. There is not this sense of urgency in it that I have when I spin with my suspended spindles. Maybe because your spindle hand is continuously touching the spindle, twiddling it and in a freindly way fondling the fibres and yarn.
And as always with such a basic tool like a spindle, it can be as intricately made as humanly possible and as simple as a twig.