After a short bout of spring last week
it began snowing again. Well, it is not unexpected, it is still March after all and Elizabeth Zimmermann's Almanach entry for March will always remind me that the spring weather in this month is a delicate thing and can loose to another snow front at any moment. Still, you get a bit unenthusiastic about it. Not so the dogs. Even Old Grumpy is having fun in the snow. And Ramses is completely hyperactive.
I'm feeling restless. Even though the situation with my mother is beginning to settle in. Maybe I still need some more time to get used to everything. No real quiet to stitch.
But I did at least one little thing.
One thing I wanted to do for a long time. I'm beginning to sew curtains from my dyed strips. I wonder how they will stand up to the sun. I'll see. As soon as the sun decides to come out again ;O)