I like the motto. And I think it will become the motto of the FKA Stardust Quilt, although the stardust theme did not completely leave me. I love the thought that we all are made of the stuff stars are made of. That it took a whole supernova to get the right heat and pressure to cook up the gold that's in my wedding band. Isn't this amazing? Anyways, right now, I'm IN BETWEEN and so I'm more into the question Of Light and Dark. Maybe my usualy mini jet lag from the switch to summer time and the suddenly darkness again in the mornings is a factor too.
At least, I'm slowly back on track again. Dog is behaving like he should, DH is back to work and even Mum is doing better. Which means, I had time to dye a bit yesterday. The 1-2-3 vat reached fermentation stadium. Which is totally normal. The 1-2-3 vat begins as a reduction vat (like any other chem vat) and after a while switches into fermentation mode because of the bacteriae that are acumulating. They take over and - voilá - fermentation happens. And about 3 weeks ago, when I had to move my old 1-2-3 vat, the handle of the pot broke and the whole vat spilled. So I began a new one, this time with henna as fructose source and 30g indigo on a 1 gal pot. When not in use, it sits in my kitchen in a corner and has a nice coppery skin on the surface. Before I use it, I re-heat it to about 50°C (about 120°F) and it develops some nice hana after a while.
This is a dye sample. Fine linen strips, 3 dips each, the left is from a rather strong PR vat and the right from the 1-2-3 vat. It is rather darkish and I should try some more dips. It might get stronger with continuing fermentation.
I mixed a strong PR vat because I wanted some gradiation for a new part Of Light and Dark:
This is still in its unbasted phase. I will do the stitching tonight. I used the same fine linen as in the sampler (I still have some strips left from a linen quilt project I sewed for a friend of mine some time ago) and some pillowcase cotton. I'm looking forward to seeing it stitched.
The next piece of fabric I dyed in a nice gradation was the cotton sheet I used to protect the silk brick from last dye session. It already had the darker center and the outward spread but I wanted the center a bit darker so I re-dipped it.
It looks really nice against the window, but I still haven't solved the problem of getting a half-curtain fixed to our insulated glass windows.
And then there was this sale of real silk velvet in a fabrics shop I frequent. It was a large piece of more than 3 metres with some spots and minor cuts for about half the price as usual and it is gorgeous and I couldn't resist. Here is a sampler in indigo:
And what happens when you wrap some linen voile around a plastic cone with holes in it and bind it with some mason's lacing cord?
This is only a section (almost the right half) and here is a detail from the other side:
Doesn't it look a bit like a feather?
And a whole string of moons jumped out of the vat as well:
with one gibbous moon in between:
The cotton sheet is this satin like cotton with woven in dots. I found it impossible to catch every dot during folding but one of them became perfect, don't you think?
On a different note, my new background music* (new at least for me, their CD is from 2010) is Gangstagrass.
I love fusion music. That's probably the reason why I like Abney Park, Les Negresses Verte and Les Ogres de Barback so much. If someone here likes bluegrass and is open to fusion, I can only recommend to risk an ear. They play their music on their website. (I know, I know, I'm totally behind, they already got an Emmy for the opening theme of 'Justified' which I just discovered for me as well.)
*background music: I usually live in a rather quiet house (except for the occasional bark from my dogs). No TV no radio. But when I cut or lay out fabric, plan something, in short am in a kind of meditative state concerning sewing and stitching, I like to have some music accompanying me. Depending on the weather it usually is one of the above, sometimes film music, but I need some rhythm in it. I tried percussion only (Kodo, Ondekoza or even Steve Reich) but I can't concentrate with it, it goes right into my brain and all I want is to dance.